Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Personality Type Survey

A visitor's comment gave me the idea of hosting a Myers-Briggs personality type poll; it will be fun to see the distribution of personalities that visit a writing blog. So, feel free to contribute, bottom right column. If you don't know your Myers-Briggs personality type yet, visit this website and peruse the choices. When you start feeling chills up your spine or begin casting clandestine glances over your shoulder to find the hidden cameras, you'll know you found your match.

The website is also a useful resource for characterization.

1 comment:

  1. That was really cool! I took a quiz that said I was the Inspirer, and you're right, reading it did give me chills. I had all the strengths, but I didn't have any of the weaknesses, especially not the inability to admit my flaws.
